
HLL/WE28-48 C - Nina, Cutesy Days

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Product Overview

Nina, Cutesy Days

Pronounciation かわいらしい日々 ニーナ
Card No.: HLL/WE28-48 Rarity: C
Color: Blue Side: Weiss
Type: Character Level: 2
Power: 6000 Cost: 1
Soul: 1 Trait 1: 定理者 (Logicalist)
Triggers: Soul Trait 2: 本 (Book)
Original Card Text
【永】 他のあなたの、《定理者》か《使者》のキャラ1枚につき、このカードのパワーを+1000。
【起】[あなたのキャラの下のマーカーを1枚控え室に置く] 他のあなたの、《定理者》か《使者》のキャラが4枚以上なら、あなたは自分のキャラを1枚選び、そのターン中、ソウルを+1。
Original Flavor Text
English Card Text
[C] For each of your other Characters with either ::Logicalist:: or ::Foreigner::, this gains +1000 Power.
[S] [Put a Marker from under your Character in the Waiting Room] If you have 4 or more other Characters with either ::Logicalist:: or ::Foreigner::, choose 1 of your Characters, and that Character gains +1 Soul for the turn.
English Flavor Text
Let's head back, Liones-san