
HLL/WE28-13 U - Lion, Naive and Romantic Princess

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Product Overview

Lion, Naive and Romantic Princess

Pronounciation 天真爛漫なお姫様 リオン
Card No.: HLL/WE28-13 Rarity: U
Color: Red Side: Weiss
Type: Character Level: 1
Power: 4500 Cost: 1
Soul: 1 Trait 1: 定理者 (Logicalist)
Triggers: Soul Trait 2: 王族 (Royalty)
Original Card Text
【永】 応援 このカードの前のあなたの、《定理者》か《使者》のキャラすべてに、パワーを+X。Xはそのキャラのレベル×500に等しい。
【自】 このカードが手札から舞台に置かれた時、あなたは自分の山札を上から1枚見て、山札の上か控え室に置く。
Original Flavor Text
English Card Text
[C] ASSIST All your Characters with either ::Logicalist:: or ::Foreigner:: in front of this gain +X Power. X = 500 times Level of that Character.
[A] When this is placed from hand to the Stage, look at the top card of your Library and put it either on top of the Library or in the Waiting Room.
English Flavor Text
Don't worry! I'll cheer you on!