
LB/WE30-52 RE - "Cheerfully Noisy" Haruka Foil

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Product Overview

"Cheerfully Noisy" Haruka

Pronounciation “陽気な騒がし屋”葉留佳
Card No.: LB/WE30-52 Rarity: RE
Color: Green Side: Weiss
Type: Character Level: 1
Power: 5000 Cost: 0
Soul: 1 Trait 1: ビー玉 (Marble)
Triggers: None Trait 2: 双子 (Twins)
Original Card Text
【自】 このカードが手札から舞台に置かれた時、あなたは自分の山札の上から3枚までを、公開してよい。1枚以上公開したなら、あなたはそれらのカードのカード名に「葉留佳」か「佳奈多」を含むキャラを1枚まで選び、手札に加え、残りのカードを控え室に置き、自分の手札を1枚選び、控え室に置く。
Original Flavor Text
English Card Text
[A] When this is placed from hand to the Stage, you may reveal up to 3 cards from top of your Library. If you reveal at least 1 card this way, choose up to 1 card among them with either "Haruka" or "Kanata" in name, put it in your hand, put the rest in the Waiting Room, and discard a card from your hand to the Waiting Room.
English Flavor Text
Human requires something unexpected, no?